The Rogue Writers Journal

Nine writers have assembled online to observe, critique, analyze, imagine, stew, stir, and spew their way beyond the post-industrial-pre-collapse age. 

Dust: Well worn boots tramp down from the mountain to wipe their soles on the age of modernity.

Mind: A deep dive into ethnobotany and entheogens. Heroic and wizard dosages only.

Fog: A steamy teapot full of extraterrestrial, terroidal imagination experimentia.

Paper: When the walls of book stores talk, we read their recommendations with mock & awe.

Air: Tail feathers falling on to the cannabis workers in North America.

Earth: A handful of dirt from underground farmers & mycologists.

Fire: A fringe immersion into contemporary Italian literature.

Kool-Aid: Modern Cult communities observed through the eyes of a passer-by.

Teeth: The best broth comes from wisdom teeth.